12B Magazine Project (Print & Video)

rsz_12b_magazine_spreadFinal Printed Copy


Process: I started out using the sketches that I created in the week 7 assignment. I quickly discovered that the image I wanted to use wasn’t really going to work for my first sketch. So I started working on something similar to my second sketch. My shape map and final design didn’t turn out exactly the same, but it is similar to my second sketch. I added the color information in the middle top image of the shape map.

My message is that the Lord shows us tender mercies in our lives and my audience are readers of the Ensign magazine.

Here is what I started with from my sketches to my shape map.


rsz_12a_shape_mapThis is what I posted on Facebook to get critiques:

rsz_12a_magazine_spreadCritiques: I had three students, Shannon Gala, Joyce Taylor, and Landon Christensen, give feedback as well as Sister Larson. Shannon suggested that I get rid of the black frames around my pictures, which I did. She also suggested that I align my name below the title horizontally, which I also did. Joyce suggested that the white background was a little too stark. She suggested a green color from the trees or an ivory color from the girl’s arm. But I decided that I liked the gray color that I color picked from the road. When I originally added the background for our last blog post it was darker than it is now. I liked it a bit lighter than it was so for the final post I decreased the opacity a bit more. Sister Larson and Landon suggested that I do something with the two boxed on the right side. I moved the Bednar box to the first column on the second page and I removed the text from the girl reading her scriptures and aligned the image to the size of the column. Great suggestions from everyone and I think it turned out great.

I gave feedback to Mar Gal and Kylee Egbert on Facebook.

Fonts: Title: Cambria Math (Serif)  Body: Gill Sans MT (Sans Serif)

Image Sources: Woman reading scriptures: https://www.lds.org/media-library/images/scripture-study-258662?lang=eng

Elder David A. Bednar: https://www.lds.org/media-library/images/elder-david-a-bednar-lds-190782?lang=eng

Interstate: http://www.kozzi.com/search/all/image-vector-video,k=interstate%20toronto,0,all,match,null,1,,,0,?l=0


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