Lesson 07: Entrepreneur Journal Katherine Nelson

I really enjoyed learning about customer service this week. Partly because I am a people pleaser to a certain extent. I love to make sure people are happy and content. I believe strongly in making sure that customer’s needs are met. I know I am much more willing to be a repeat customer if I feel I have been heard, my needs are met, it is convenient and good service. I especially like the Zappos article. I am always intrigued by stories of how companies motivate their employees. The example of Zappos paying people to voluntarily leave after a week if they felt they wouldn’t like the job is so good in so many different ways. First, it gives an incentive for people to be honest with themselves about whether they will really like the job or not and if they will be able to put their heart into the job. Then, it lets the people who stay know how much the company values good employees, which empowers them to do a great job for the company.

This week was another fun week at Kid’s Cook. I spend $22 on ingredients this week for our Heath Cupcakes and our Dirt and Worms Pudding Cups. I had Heath bits and Oreo crumbs all over the kitchen! I have even toyed with the idea of having a cooking class every so often throughout the year just for fun after this class is over. It may not ever happen, but it would be fun!


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