Lesson 03: Entrepreneur Journal Katherine Nelson

This week we turned in our book report for How to Win Friends and Influence People by Dale Carnegie. I am thankful to have read this book. It was published a long time ago but the ideas and advice still ring true today. In fact, the world needs to apply the ideas shared in this book more than ever. I will definitely be keeping a copy and I encouraged all of my sons and my husband to read it. I have really tried to take a good look at ways I can do better in dealing with other people because I believe it is our relationships with others and how we treat them that is most important in this life. I also read the E Myth Revisited this week. Another great book that really made me think about businesses and starting a business differently.

We posted our $100 Challenge idea on the discussion board and one gal in the class said she had done a cooking class for kids last summer and it was really fun. So tonight I am going to send out an email and start seeing if I can get enough kids to make it work. I don’t have a ton of room in my kitchen so I’m thinking of doing two one hour and 15 minute sessions each week. One would be for 6-8 year olds and one would be for 8-10 year olds. I have also been playing around with the idea of selling things on a buy/sell Facebook page because I’m trying to do a lot of de-junking and cleaning in my house. But I’m realizing that most stuff I would sell probably just needs to go in the garbage anyway so that might now work out so well. We’ll see how this all comes together.

Lesson 02: Entrepreneur Journal Katherine Nelson

As of one day before this semester started I was not going to take this class. At the last minute I added it and so far, I am glad I did. I really enjoy all of the assignments so far. This week we read some blogs and watched the video and read about Corey Bell. Sometimes I think about all of the information available to us at our fingertips through the internet. I’m not really familiar with blogs so I started thinking about how much information there is out there to read about business and it can be so overwhelming. It is sometimes hard to find good, accurate information. It is so important to stay knowledgeable about the business you choose. But I also feel that there is an aspect of staying true to yourself and doing what you feel is right with the help of the Holy Ghost.

We also started brainstorming business ideas for the $100 challenge. That was a little bit hard for me because I haven’t ever really had a desire to own by own business. I have been thinking all week about different things I could do for this challenge. I am also trying to think of something that will work with what I have going on outside of school in my life right now. I have two weddings in June and so I’m trying to work around that the best I can. I am leaning toward doing a cooking class for kids. I will be interested to see if it would be approved.